Innovative Discoveries

Goal 1: Innovative Discoveries

Advance research and generate innovative discoveries to improve health and well-being for all.

College of Health Strategic Plan, 2025-2030

Health is the foundation upon which long and meaning-filled lives and prosperous societies are built.

Through excellence in research, we contribute to understanding the profound connections among health, quality of life, and human potential.

The College of Health is committed to leading integrative and transdisciplinary research initiatives to address emerging health and societal issues. The resulting evidence-based knowledge will inform strategies for prevention, mitigation, and resilience to enhance human health and well-being.

Our researchers train students in discovery and address health disparities and inequities.

Leveraging faculty expertise; aligning with the university’s strategic plan, Prosperity Widely Shared, and building opportunities for distinction, we prioritize investments in three signature areas of research excellence:

  • Environmental Impacts on Human Health
  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • Health and Well-being of Children and Youth