Actions and Tactics
Health and Well-Being for All
College of Health Strategic Plan, 2025-2030
Goal 1
Advance research and generate innovative discoveries to improve health and well-being for all.
Action: Build and cultivate research excellence.
Tactic 1
Prioritize and establish excellence in three signature areas: Environmental impacts on human health, health promotion and disease prevention, and health and well-being of children and youth.
Tactic 2
Expand transdisciplinary research collaborations across the college, university, and other organizations to gain access to large and diverse funding streams and solve complex health problems.
Tactic 3
Implement initiatives to raise research funding, productivity, and visibility of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Tactic 4
Expand and support opportunities for community engaged research and translate scientific knowledge to human-centered applications.
Tactic 5
Increase and optimize resources to enhance research services, space, and equipment.
Goal 2
Ensure that every student learns, thrives, and graduates.
Action 1
Increase student enrollment in undergraduate and graduate courses and programs.
Tactic 1
Implement new and revise existing programs and courses to meet the changing interests of students and needs of the workforce.
Tactic 2
Optimize the delivery of academic programs and courses to meet the diverse needs of students and reduce barriers to enrollment and completion.
Tactic 3
Build and strengthen partnerships with Oregon high schools and community colleges to attract students to our programs.
Tactic 4
Increase financial support for students through scholarships, training grants, and research assistantships to recruit and attract talented students.
Tactic 5
Increase the diversity of our student and faculty populations to reflect the diversity of our state and nation.

Action 2
Increase retention and graduation of all students.
Tactic 1
Develop, implement, and evaluate advising models and strategies for undergraduate and graduate students.
Tactic 2
Create initiatives to support the success, well-being, and belonging of our students in collaboration with university partners and resources.
Tactic 3
Support quality teaching and recognize excellence in teaching and mentoring.
Tactic 4
Increase opportunities and reduce barriers for co-curricular opportunities, including internships, research experiences, and study abroad.
Tactic 5
Increase scholarships for students with limited resources.
Goal 3
Create collaborations with communities, governments, education, and industry sectors to improve the health and well-being of their members and constituents.
Build and strengthen external partnerships to increase research translation and educational opportunities.
Tactic 1
Grow partnerships with communities and sectors to apply scientific discoveries that address the needs of their members and constituents.
Tactic 2
Expand educational opportunities for community and sector members through for-credit online and hybrid learning, (e.g., degrees, certificates, microcredentials, continuing education), as well as non-credit educational opportunities.
Tactic 3
Work with partners to increase opportunities for experiential learning and career mentoring that meet the needs of partners and students.