Lectures and seminars
College of Health
In addition to weekly seminars on health research, the college hosts a number of regular lectures and seminars for faculty, staff, students and others.
Campbell Lecture Series
Duncan and Cindy Douglass Campbell, ’76, created an endowment that provides for the annual Campbell Lecture Series on childhood relationships, risk and resilience. It is led by the Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families.
Distinguished Alumni Lecture
Each year, an alumnus is asked to provide this lecture during Public Health week in April. Contact Laurel Kincl for questions regarding this lecture.
Family Impact Seminar Series
The Family Impact Seminar Series brings top researchers to legislators and agency leadership to provide the best scientific evidence on policies that affect the well-being of children and families. It is designed to facilitate learning among policymakers and experts in a nonpartisan, solution-oriented way and to promote awareness of the impact of policies on families.
The Tammy Bray Endowment in Health Leadership and Innovation
John and Tammy Bray have established a speakers’ series in the College of Health to bring to campus high-profile health leaders to inspire students, faculty and the community. The fund will also inspire alumni, friends and industry by presenting the series to greater Oregon, including the Portland metro area. These health leaders will increase the college’s engagement, visibility and reputation throughout the state of Oregon and the nation.
Weekly research seminars
The college hosts seminars on a variety of research topics each week when classes are in session. This series provides a forum for faculty in the College of Health and other researchers (national and international) to present and discuss current research topics in an environment conducive to stimulating research collaboration and fostering student learning. Faculty and students from the Division of Health Sciences and other colleges, research centers and institutions are encouraged to participate.