Apply to Dietetic Internship


Dietetic Internship at Oregon State University

Read carefully as we have some unique requirements that differ from the general instructions in DICAS


Intern qualifications and characteristics sought

The program faculty evaluates each candidate’s packet for the selection of interns on the basis of:

  • Evidence of academic achievement
  • Oral and written communication
  • Professional, volunteer and work experience showing commitment, advancement and accountability
  • Self-direction (ability to set goals, organize and work independently)
  • Leadership abilities (elected offices, leadership recognition by peers)
  • Ability to perform under pressure (flexibility, priority setting, stamina, reaction to stress, ability to balance daily activities)
  • Interpersonal skills (self-perception, self-confidence, ability to work with others).


Selection criteria

Candidate’s application packets are initially screened for the following minimum requirements. Failure to meet this automatically eliminates the candidate:

  • a 3.0 GPA overall
  • a 3.2 GPA in professional DPD courses
  • an original signed Verification Statement within 5 years post Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) completion
  • Applicants with a felony conviction will be disqualified due to rotation site requirements
  • In fall 2024, to be eligible for the stand-alone DI program, students must have a DPD verification statement from Oregon State University and a completed graduate degree.


GRE no longer required

We join many other programs at Oregon State and other peer institutions across the country who have eliminated this structural barrier to promote a more equitable, diverse and inclusive student body.


Eligible candidates selection criteria

Packets are evaluated by these ranked criteria (from highest to lowest priority):

  • Grades, including grades earned in science courses
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Applicant Personal Statement (see requirements below)
  • Paid work experience, tenure in positions, increasing work responsibility
  • Evidence of leadership and professional commitment
  • Extracurricular activities

The DI director and coordinator conduct Skype interviews for candidates screened to have met a minimum score, which is determined each year based on total applicant numbers.

Applicants with Verification Statements from an accredited DPD older than 5 years at the time of application must contact the dietetic internship Director about what is necessary to demonstrate recency of education. That may include additional coursework or another mechanism which will be determined on an individual applicant basis.


Application procedures

(Following DICAS System and Instructions)

Read carefully as we have some unique requirements that differ from the general instructions in DICAS

Submit a complete Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System (DICAS) application packet made up of the following items by the deadline posted for DICAS (by February 15):


Application Requirements

  • Application completed through the DICAS portal
  • Official Transcript(s), submitted through DICAS
  • Three letters of recommendation (at least two DPD faculty), submitted through DICAS
  • Signed DPD Verification Statement or Declaration of Intent for Completion, submitted through DICAS
  • Personal Statement. Please address the following in 1000 words or less:
    • How is food related to dietetics practice?
    • What is the role of the dietitian in facilitating clients or patients to change their eating behaviors?
    • How is the dietetic internship program specifically suited to you and your professional interests?


Application fee

Application fee* of $50

  • Payable to: OSUDI
  • Mailed to: Jenny Jackson, Nutrition, School of Biological and Population Health Sciences, OSU, 204 Milam Hall Corvallis OR 97331.
  • This is separate from fees paid to DICAS and D&D Digital.
  • *DICAS applications received by DICAS deadline without receipt of Application fee by OSU will not be reviewed.
  • Please indicate in your mailed packet whether you are interested in applying to the OSUDI, the MS/DI, or both programs



The DICAS application must be completed by the deadline specified on the DICAS website.


D & D Digital Computer Matching Service

The dietetic internship participates in D&D Digital Computer Matching.

Please provide the following information by registering at D&D Digital

  • Dietetic Internship preference list and release information
  • A separate payment to D&D Digital Systems for $50.00 by their specified deadline.

Submit required materials through D&D Digital.

Other contact information for D&D Digital:

D&D Digital Systems
304 Main St., Suite 301
Ames, IA. 50010-6148
Phone: (515) 292-0490
Fax: (515) 663-9427
E-mail: [email protected]


Failure to submit matching information disqualifies candidates from the internship selection process.

The top candidates are ranked by the dietetic internship selection committee and their names are sent in to the D&D Digital Computer Matching for selection of finalists. Follow instructions on the D&D website regarding your placement results. The process will be conducted so that student’s rights are protected and the non-discrimination policies of the program are maintained.


If you have questions about the program or application process, contact:

Program Director
Jenny Jackson, PhD, MS, RDN, CHWC
[email protected]

Clinical Coordinator
Michelle Bump, MS, RD, LD
[email protected]